Aug 19 2009

Net Neutrality Astroturf

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Not only do big phone and cable companies fund astroturf groups to falsely represent the public interest, but they've hired more than 500 lobbyists to take control of the Internet. Let's make sure the Internet serves the public first.

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Aug 17 2009


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For some reason this article has become the target of repeated attacks. I've moved it (thus changing it's URL, but it if continues I'll have to remove it completely. Don't know what they are hoping to accomplish, but whatever it is, it hasn't worked so far.

{Promptly gets smacked by the wife}

Seriously though, I see why they call Felicia Day the Queen of the Internet. She's funny, smart, sings well, cleans up nice, is polite. What's not to love? This video went "viral" today and it is eating up the tubes! Hypnotoad says buy it to support the Guild.

My only complaint is the use of "autotune". Yuk. You have a nice voice, Felicia, why ruin it? I can accept "for comedic effect" but it wasn't neccesary.

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