May 21 2009

How many Wheatons in a Kutcher?

, , ,

This will make much more sense if you read this first:

Base Measurements:
1 Kutcher = 3,000,000 followers
1 FelDay = 1,000,000 followers
1 Wheaton = 500,000 followers
1 Gaiman = 400,000 followers

And I declared these values in the lack of data
1 Fry = 499,986 followers
1 Hodgman = 55,554 followers
1 Coulton = 27,777 followers
1 Whedon = 9,259 followers
Where 1 Fry = 9 Hodgmans = 18 Coultons = 54 Whedons

And in case you forgot:
Deci = 1/10
Centi = 1/100
Milli = 1/1,000
Micro = 1/1,000,000
Nano = 1/1,000,000,000

Twitter name:



Source Code

function convertToCeleb(followers, user, unitName, unitValue) {
	var deci  = .1;
	var centi = .01;
	var milli = .001;
	var micro = .000001;
	var nano  = .000000001;

	1 kutcher  = 3000000;
	1 felday   = 1000000;
	1 wheaton  = 500000 ;
	1 gaiman   = 400000;
	var baseUnit = unitValue;
	var h = followers + " Followers = ";
	var result = "";
	// Base Unit
	var wunit = Math.round(followers/baseUnit,0);
	if(wunit>0) result = result + wunit + " "+unitName+"s";
	followers = followers%baseUnit;
	if(result && followers>(deci*baseUnit)) result = result + ", ";
	// DeciUnit
	wunit = Math.round(followers/(deci*baseUnit),0)
	if(wunit>0) result = result + wunit + " deci"+unitName+"s";
	followers = followers%(deci*baseUnit);
	if(result && followers>(centi*baseUnit)) result = result + ", ";
	// centiUnit
	wunit = Math.round(followers/(centi*baseUnit),0)
	if(wunit>0) result = result + wunit + " centi"+unitName+"s";
	followers = followers%(centi*baseUnit);
	if(result && followers>(milli*baseUnit)) result = result + ", ";
	// milliUnit
	wunit = Math.round(followers/(milli*baseUnit),0)
	if(wunit>0) result = result + wunit + " milli"+unitName+"s";
	followers = followers%(milli*baseUnit);
	if(result && followers>(micro*baseUnit)) result = result + ", ";
	// microUnit
	wunit = Math.round(followers/(micro*baseUnit))
	if(wunit>0) result = result + wunit + " micro"+unitName+"s";
	followers = followers%(micro*baseUnit);
	if(result && followers>0) result = result + ", ";
	// nanoUnit
	wunit = Math.round(followers/(nano*baseUnit))
	if(wunit>0) result = result + wunit + " nano"+unitName+"s";
	result = '@' + user +" has " + result;
       if(result.length< 127)
		result = result + " #milliwheaton";

       if(result.length< 106)
		result = result + " via"

       if(result.length< 107)
		result = result + " &"

return result;