House Concert featuring John Anealio
With little more than an alternate-tuned acoustic guitar and a dog-eared copy of The Hobbit, Sci-Fi Songwriter John Anealio composes and performs geeky anthems for writers, librarians, lovers of Science Fiction, Best Buy customers, and robots. His music sounds like John Mayer, Weezer, and James Taylor playing Dungeons and Dragons together on their iPhones.
from John's blog/John's Music Site
August 19th, 2011
6:30pm to 11:00pm
Edgewater, MD
Admission: Free
(but we suggest a donation to the artist of $15.00)
Some food and beverages will be provided but feel free to bring things to share
For details/directions:
Send email: MrDave21764@gmail.com
or through Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=188228307900062
or leave a message: 410-956-8839