Dec 17 2009

Vote for my minimum opus (opi?)

, Writing , ,


Two of my entries were selected from the first round. This pleases me greatly becasue it tells me I might have a future in this "writing" thing. As long as I don't have to write anything longer than 140 characters.

You can vote for your favorite Tweet Me a Story story, and I'd appreciate it if you would consider voting for mine.  While you are there, C A. Bridges has two story entries in group 15, so give him a check if you would.

My stories chosen were:

A cage is not a trap, the raccoon mused, only the end result. He also mused that he was still stuck. He never could resist peanut butter.


Trap your errors, my programming instructor had said. I remembered the lesson with irony because who guessed that a rogue AI was an error.

And you can vote here. Vote early and vote often!

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Dec 16 2009

I like my coffee like I like my ____________. Free, postage paid and dependant on me to tell others.

, Eating , ,

Dunkin' Donuts wants to give me free coffee?  Sure, do it.  No strings? Even better...uh? Blog about it?  Oh, why not? I like DD coffee better than just about all the coffee out there.  I kind of like 7-11 Coffee better but if only if it is fresh, in a clean pot, and not overheated.  DD Coffee is consistently good and it comes in an extra large size, which is good for getting my day started.

Here, have an ad.


Dunkin' Donuts. Dunkin' keeps me blogging. Try Dunkin' Donuts Coffee For Free. Get a Sample

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