Adventure a Day 2020
As a personal challenge I decided to write an adventure each day of the month of February 2020. These will primarily be D&D adventures although now that I think about it other game adventures could be cool. I am creating this page as an archive of the adventures.
I am doing this to help spark creativity and to build a library of adventure nuggets that can be expanded into a campaign should I choose to. But I am taking a "shotgun" approach and have imposed a few rules to make it work. I am trying to keep the adventures under 2-3 hours run-time. I chose to limit working on each adventure to one calendar day., If it does not get done by midnight it does not get done.
I plan to go back and edit, complete and compile these into a more thorough collection but right now it is just a case of vomiting out the ideas. These initial files are covered by a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Licence. You are free to use and remix these to your heart's content as long as you acknowledge me as the originator of the idea. They are also covered by the SRD 5.1 Document and the Open Gaming Licence 1.0a.
- Feb 1, 2020 An adventurer walks into a bar...
- Feb 2, 2020 A Hairy Job
- Feb 3, 2020 The Goblin Problem
- Feb 4, 2020 Finders, Keepers INCOMPLETE
- Feb 5, 2020 O.P. (Overpowered)
- Feb 6, 2020 Come Sail Away
- Feb 7, 2020 Stone Cold Dead
- Feb 8, 2020 Big Fish
- Feb 9, 2020 Back to Square One INCOMPLETE
- Feb 10, 2020 Dangerous Fruit
- Feb 11, 2020 Temple of the Goat INCOMPLETE
- Feb 12, 2020 Sold to the Highest Bidder
- Feb 13, 2020 Standing Stones
- Feb 14, 2020 All you Need Is Love
- Feb 15, 2020 Big Trouble
- Feb 16, 2020 Carpet Cleaners
- Feb 17, 2020 Happy Birthday
- Feb 18, 2020 Arrest
- Feb 19, 2020 Jailbreak!
- Feb 20, 2020 Broadsword
- Feb 21, 2020 Fire coming out of Monkey's Head
- Feb 22, 2020 NO ADVENTURE. I spent the day at Farpoint convention in Baltimore, There was literally no time at all to write.
- Feb 23, 2020 NO ADVENTURE. I just ran out of time. Sometimes there are not enough hours in the day.
- Feb 24, 2020 Karjeminax
- Feb 25, 2020 Cat Has Your Tongue
- Feb 26, 2020 The enemy of my enemy is my friend
- Feb 27, 2020 Clash of the Titans
- Feb 28, 2020 Lost
- Feb 29, 2020 Dead on a Saturday Night
When all is said and done. would you consider taking a survey about these adventures?
It should go without saying that there aren't any disclaimers on these adventures and I am not seeking profit here. But still...this needs to be stated explicitly. Any possibly infringing materials are being used under fair-use as "draft materials" and may be changed when or if they are presented as publishable product. I am not going to threaten your product market, people. I am not ripping anyone off. This is a creative, not monetary, exercise.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
EDIT. As a final close to this effort I compiled all of the adventures into a single PDF Adventure a Day 2020 which is 48995 words (not counting diagrams, monsters, and images) and 20mb (give or take) and includes all of the adventures (even the unfinished ones) above. Please consider filling out my survey if you download this, I am interested in your opinions. Thanks!
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