C. David Dent
When you write a blog you must decide on a few things before long:
1) Who am I writing this for? Do I have an adience at all or am I just blowing my opinion out to the ether in order to satisfy some small ego-turd that you have rattling about in your brain.
2) What do I have to talk about on a regular basis that people will come and read on a regular basis. What is it that makes me more interesting than Emma Story or Mike Krahulik (for instance) or that even qualifies me to mention their names in a post?
3) Is your site something that anyone in their right mind would pay you to keep up. If you were to suddenly bequeath your entire site to another person would they bother to keep it up or would they sell off the domain to some spam-spewing advertiser or serach-engine shit?
Me, I am feeding my ego-turd and don’t have anythng interesting to say and my domain is better suited to porn than spam.
But that’s just me.
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C. David Dent
It is surprising to consider that I drive a crappy 1995 Geo Tracker (which the MVA insists is a Chevy Tracker). To top it off I commute 35 miles along major highways at 75-80 mph in this rattle trap. At points in the journey it makes my teeth rattle and my head pound with the deafening road-noise.
I have to turn the radio up so loud that it distorts and it sounds like additional static as I zoom along at the upper limit of speed for the green bomb. I have to wonder what it will be like if I get another, sleeker, quieter, car. What will that drive be like?
If I am driving at the upper limit of speed for the Tracker, would I do the same for the other car? Will I drive at 90-100 mph in that car because it feels the same? Hm, not sure about that.
I am not an agressive driver. If I am driving agressively it is because I am surrounded by poo-heads and morons and I get frustrated with them. I mean who drives at the speed limit in the fast lane ? Morons. Poo heads.
In Maryland, especially, people sleep-drive (myself included). They change lanes without indicating , they drive at sub-flow speeds and they drive in packs of cars instead of lines that allow faster cars to pass and slower ones to be…well…slower.
Given my ‘druthers I’d drive a leisurely speed to work and back. But then it would take me a lot longer on the road with the poo-heads and morons. I guess I’ll just stick to the teeth-rattling.
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